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Sharmila@The Writing Desk 27

His Eye is on the Sparrow - and the Fox!

Updated: Oct 15, 2021

The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; and satisfy the desire of every living thing.”

Psalm 145:15-16 (ESV)

As I draw back the curtains each morning, I am often greeted by the sight of my garden's resident fox. His striking red coat, punctuated by inky black ears and the soft, white fuzz tip of his trademark bushy tail, rendered all the more vivid by the icy hues of an English winter.

One such morning, I opened the curtains to see said fox happily ascending a garden path with a thick slice of bread in his mouth. My mind instantly fell to Psalm 145:15-16 (ESV): “The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; and satisfy the desire of every living thing.”

You see the fox and his bread appeared in a week when I had felt the precariousness of my career. The writer's quest and wait for the next commission and attendant pay check. I had at such times turned to these verses from Psalm 145 and brought them to God, having learnt with time the power of praying Scripture: once, laying these very verses before God and praising him as my Provider. The next day a new writing contract came!

So, that March morning, I knew that this dear fox and his daily bread were sent to reassure me of my Father's continued faithfulness to His promise in Psalm 145:15-16 and the wisdom in standing on the Word. It was a word in season. The fox and his loaf had followed a week wondering about my own daily bread and a night when Jesus had whispered to me to lay down my efforts and look to him. Indeed, the Bible tells us that when we do, we are radiant (Psalm 34:5).

God's eye is on the sparrow (see Luke 12:6-7). It is also on the fox! So how much more it dwells upon us. I hope that this tender testimony of an English fox will speak to your own needs - be they for provision or reassurance that the Bible holds promises on which we still can and should rely. I would encourage you to know and pray the Scriptures and, like Abraham, dare to believe that he who promised is faithful. Amen.

For further reflection and encouragement, please see: Numbers 19:23; Psalm 34:4-5; and Matthew 6:25-34.

Copyright © Sharmila Meadows March 2021

Scripture quotations are from The ESV®Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Merci Alice pour ta visite au blog et pour ce partage. J'en ai aussi besoin!! Surtout pendant les moments où il faut juste attendre et avoir confiance. Mais oui, notre Père reste fidèle!


Alice H.
Alice H.
Mar 20, 2021

Merci pour cette méditation et ce témoignage du soin et de la fidélité de notre Seigneur.


Thank you Ruth. Great to hear from Sydney!! God taught me this truth four years ago through a sermon by Beth Moore and, as you say, Jesus used this same principle. Very powerful - and liberating. It lifts the burden from prayer. It also means we engage with our Bibles more. Exciting to hear about lectio divina!! Look forward to hearing more :)


Hi Sharmila, thank you for reminding about ’praying the scriptures’. How powerful it is to pray the word of God. Jesus during His temptation reminded the devil, ‘it is written’. How much more we need to do this to remind the devil to be the overcomer. We are going to do Lectio Divina in our bible study group.


Amen Judith. What a beautiful picture. I imagine the attendant sound of the breeze in the trees and how comforting that must be as a reminder of he who holds us. Thanks so much for sharing.

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